C. V. E. P

Children Value Education Programme

T. V. E. P

Teenage Value Education Programme

B. M. P. D

Brain and Mind Power Development

D. L. D

Devine Life Discourse

Children Value Education Programme

In this programme children are taught about how to maintain formalities, how to behave with friends, seniors as well as with juniors and how to show respect to parents and seniors, what to do and what to refrain from etc.

Children are taught also valuable lessons on morality where they learn how to share everything with others, how to develop a sense of love, gratitude and forgiveness, how to play and workin harmony. There are some minor games, music with songs also which make their mind creative and constructive, which enhances their power of right-judgement. It makes them more self-expressive, comfortable and natural even in diverse situations. It keeps them enthusiastic and dynamic.

Children are also taught physical exercises (Yoga) and breathing exercises (Pranayama) which are more effective and more powerful. All these keep them physically and mentallyfit and help them eliminate fear, anxiety, anger, depression and other undesirable emotions.

To improve the children’s memory and concentration, to enhance their creative skill, they are taught easy meditation techniques in this programme.

After undergoing these programme children develop leadership qualities, health emotions, clarity of mind and better interaction with others. They also develop special attention to their studies. They become responsible being in the society.




T. V. E. P

Teenage Value Education Programme

In this programme we emphasize on the practice and reflection of basic human values i.e. truth, righteousness, peace, love and non-violence etc. The teens learn to develop a sense of responsibility and commitment to the society. They learn different techniques by which they develop various skills to face more academic challenges at schools. They are taught how to deal with friends, teachers, parents and others.

Body-exercises are taught to keep them healthy and fit for every action.

Practice of meditation and pranayama (breathing exercise) reduce their restlessness of mind, violent tendencies, tension, depression etc.

There is a ‘question and answer’ session in this programme which is started with question “Who am I? “or “ Who are you? “.

This is a fundamental spiritual question. This question is based on our ancient gurukul concept. By questioning this anybody can explore and discover himself. He can then develop a sense of self-mastery which allows him to change his life.

This question deepens his self-awareness and breaks his cage of illusion.

The result of this course is unique. A student or participant renovates himself after undergoing this course. His body becomes full ofvigor, vitality and strength, he can reduce stress, he becomes able to manage negative emotions, he develops greater creativity and self-confidence, he can heighten his mental clarity and can achieve ultimate success in life.




B. M. P. D

Brain and Mind Power Development

This programme is conducted by trained teachers with the Teenage value education program-(T.V.E.P). It is a work shop training programme with some eye-opening scientific facts and astonishing practical. Some contents of this programme are as follows:

* Memory development techniques.

* Mind control methods.

* Neuro-linguistic programming.

* Belief system and thought pattern.

* Alfa –level activating meditation.

* Laws of attraction, association and revision.

* Human psychology.

This programme helps the student to unlock and unleash the forces inside them. It can help them to break through any problem and create the quality of life that they desire and deserve. Some techniques based on mnemonic science are taught to the students. It helps them to be interested in study and to develop skill in various subjects. It improves their memory, develops self-confidence to do better result in the examinations. It empowers their mind and attention. We organize this program mainly in schools and also in the villages with some local students. This program has left a deep impression in the mind of the participants.

D. L. D

Devine Life Discourse

This is a unique course for nurturing the teens and youths. Here they learn how divine life was maintained by the austere devotee in ancient India and how they observed the vow of celibacy. Acharya Jnaneswar Dev laid emphasis on maintaining chasteness. He said “Chastity is life, sensuality or adultery is death”.

To build a healthy society, he inspired them to observe the vow of chastity. According to Him society is based on this very foundation. Being inspired by this point of view, some of His young and enthusiastic followers have jumped into this holistic movement. They guide others to follow His path of restraining. Physical exercise, pranayam, meditation also are taught to the participants.

Those who take part in this course become stronger, experience their greater inner strength and live a holistic and healthy life.